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The Management of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma has reacted to Wednesday February 28th, 2024’s press conference addressed by the leadership of the Academic Staff Union of Universities, (ASUU) AAU chapter.

Describing the ASUU press conference as “a cacophony of half-truth activism which has become the forte of the ASUU leadership in the University,” the University’s Head, Corporate Communications and Protocol, Otunba Mike Aladenika, during a media interface with journalists in Benin City, said that the University had always seen responding to ASUU, AAUE’s press conferences as a big distraction, if not a total waste of time.

He noted that In the present circumstances, the University would still have wished not to respond, especially as most of the issues raised by the leaders are already in court, “but some things need to be addressed to set the records straight in the interest of the University, its students, law-abiding members of staff, parents and guardians, members of the public and other stakeholders of the University.”

Aladenika expressed sadness that while the University was doing all in its powers to maintain peace, inspire confidence and make progress, ASUU, AAUE leaders were mounting their familiar hobby horse of spinning half-truths about the University.

“How can the ASUU, AAUE Chairman, for example, say that since August 3rd, 2021, when he came on board, the University has lost a minimum of 25 academic staff to the cold hands of death, to quote him, ‘over the crisis in the university, caused by aberrations, impunities, oddities and misnomers.’ What does he mean? I have even heard them specifically cite the alleged deaths as outcomes of non-payment of salaries. How was that ascertained? Generally speaking, who are the 25 lecturers that died? What are their names? What departments were they? What were they teaching? Are there personnel records of these staff? If there are, what are the records showing? Where are their deaths incidented?”

According to Aladenika, “because scientific accuracy is the hallmark of research, one would have expected ASUU, AAUE leadership to substantiate with data, figures, time, and the true circumstances surrounding the death of their supposed ‘25 members of academic staff.’”

Otunba Aladenika further said: “Human beings abhor the bitter taste attendant to change but savour the aroma and the sweet taste of its success.” He said ASUU, AAUE should come to terms with the reality that the University has moved from the lowly abyss it wants her to be and was flying high.”

He pondered: “Why is it only in the eyes of ASUU, AAUE that things are not working in the University? Why do they select specific times to begin their aggressive press wars against the University? I make bold to say without any fear of contradiction that a greater number of those crying wolf today were instrumental to whatever challenges the institution is now trying to correct. It is the hallmark of hypocrisy for them to even be coming out to attack the University and persons managing it.”

Aladenika said it was disheartening to hear ASUU, AAUE say that the University was owing some staff up to 25 months salary. “One is forced to ask who this particular set of people allegedly being owed salaries are and why their names are not being mentioned. Are there reasons why their identities are being kept? I stand before you here today, dear colleagues, to inform you that the University is up to date in its obligations of salary payments to its genuine staff.

“As I speak with you now, the February, 2024 salaries of AAU staff have been paid. Staff and pensioners of the University received these salaries on the 26th of February. You may wish to go and verify. The Chairman of ASUU, AAUE, who was the leader of the press conference picked up his February, 2024 salaries before he came for their press briefing. Call the Chairman and ask him to swear if he has not been receiving his salaries for the past 26 months; ask him if he did not receive his January salary on the 26th of January, 2024.

” Also find out from him if he and his other academic staff members were not paid their December salaries by the University on December 22nd (before Christmas) 2023 and November, 2023 salaries on November 28th, 2023. Let those who claim not to have been paid for 26 months running be adding the 8 months they were on strike and the no-work-no-pay order was in force; let them continue to add up figures as they like and sustain their campaigns of falsehood, like the one concerning student enrollment.”

Addressing the claim by ASUU that student enrollment in the University had crumbled because of the “crises” in the University, Aladenika queried, “Who says having bogus unmanageable student population is a mark of progress? Are they not aware of the current challenges arising from bloated admissions in the past? Do they know the importance of adhering to admission quota? Where, most importantly, did they get the figure of “barely


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